Monday, October 10, 2016

38 Week Preggie Update

According to my apps, Baby B is about 19-22 inches and about 6.5-7 pounds.  Sometimes I feel like he/she is on the bigger end because I feel so heavy and every movement he/she makes feels like he/she is planning it's escape route through my belly!  Baby B is also loosing it's vernix and lanugo and developing soft, baby skin and still accumulating fat.  The lungs are also fully developed this week. 

This 38th week has been a doozy for sure!  I don't think I've been in as much pain throughout this whole pregnancy.  I know they say the last 2 weeks are the worst...and I can't say that I disagree with that!! I can't seem to get comfortable at all and I toss and turn the whole night, even in the chair.  

UPDATE 10-10: I've had a A LOT of pressure today...more than I have before!  I will be 39 weeks tomorrow.

I went to the OB this week and Baby B is doing well.  She also checked me again and I am still sitting at 3cm dilated with a thinned out cervix.  Next week when I go, she will be doing a membrane sweep.  This is when the doctor separates the cervix from the amniotic sac so that the hormones for labor start to be released.  She made the comment that she has a feeling that when she does this, I may end up going into labor soon after since I'm already dilated.  I'm hoping that's the case.  Some women continue to see no progress after it's done, so, we'll see!  I packed my bag about 2 weeks ago (I'll have a post about that as well) so I'm ready!!

At this point, it's just a waiting game.  Thursday is my last day at work and I still have so much to do workwise.  The nursery is finally done and we're just waiting to put a baby in there.   To think, I could be a Mommy as early as next week sometime!!  I know these last couple of weeks have seemed like I'm complaining, but even through it all, I am still very grateful to be able to embark on this journey.  Pregnancy has been an amazing thing to experience...especially with my amazing husband!

Bump Pics



What Fruit/Veggie are you?  Spaghetti Squash (Ovia), Mini Watermelon (Baby Center), & Swiss Chard (What to Expect) & Pumpkin (Photofy)

Due date:  October 18, 2016 (but could be before)

How far along:  38 weeks, 6 days

Next appointment:  October 12

Gender:  Team Green and still wondering with this little baby is

Total weight gain/loss:  Gained 2 pounds last week, so we'll see when I go to the doc

Exercise: Walking at work and walking the dog

Stretch marks:  Nope, which is so surprising since I feel like I'm stretched to capacity

Swelling: No swelling

Maternity clothes:   Yep!  Still rotating those same pairs of jeans!

Belly button:   My belly button is still at that stage where it pokes out but doesn't stay out all day

Wedding Rings On/Off: On...a little more snug but I can get them off

Happy or Moody: Pretty happy...but me being uncomfortable can turn into moody

Sleep: What the hell is that??

Food cravings: Sushi...and good sushi too

Symptoms:  Back and hip pain has intensified, stomach pains below my breast and below my stomach.  My stomach has been really tender and achy this week.  Lightning crotch has made an appearance again, also more discharge.

Movement: Tons and I have no more space for Baby B to move so he/she is continuously pressing on my right side in the same place which causes it to be so tender

Labor signs:  Small biggie

What I miss: Wearing regular clothes during my fave season, sushi, and cider (alcoholic of course)

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Just seeing my pregnancy progress as it should be

What I'm looking forward to: Just seeing the little peanut!  I'm also looking forward to my maternity leave.

Best moment this week: Getting to go on a date with my Hubby.  
Milestones: Making it to 38 weeks!


Monday, October 3, 2016

37 Week Preggie Update

Nothing much to update this week and besides, I'm really tired while writing this.  I've had more energy this week but it's gotten hard to move around comfortably.  I started playing baby crying for  Spartacus.  The first time  he looked like "what is that" for 30 seconds then he went back to sleep.  I think the sounds annoyed me more than him (my own baby won't annoy me).  I think the phone ringing annoys him more!!  I tried again later that day and he was a little more concerned.  He figured out that it was coming from the computer and he jumped up and came and laid by the sweet! We also went to the doctor and it's still pretty much a waiting game until Baby B's arrival.

My baby shower was also this week.  I had a hard time finding something that fit but luckily, one of the dresses I ordered fit enough that I could wear it!!!  Everyone came out to show love for Baby B and we were truly grateful.  It was a great time being with everyone!

Baby Shower Pics (will update with more)

Headed to the shower!

My beautiful mother (Grandma) and I

Me, Baby B's Great Gramma and Hubby
Hubby, Mother in Law (Grandma) and Me

Cupcake table...wish I would have gotten a better pic of the banner
Cookie favors
Photo Collage
Bump Photos


What Fruit/Veggie are you?  Honeydew Melon (Ovia), Swiss Chard (Baby Center), & Winter Melon (What to Expect & Photofy)

Due date:  October 18, 2016 (but could be before)

How far along:  37 weeks, 5 days

Next appointment:  October 5

Gender:  Team Green and still wondering with this little baby is

Total weight gain/loss:  Gained 2 pounds this week, so that makes 22

Exercise: Walking at work and walking the dog

Stretch marks:  Nope, which is so surprising since I feel like I'm stretched to capacity

Swelling: My feet swell a little but it's usually gone by the next day

Maternity clothes:   That's really all that I can fit

Belly button:   Still hasn't popped but it sticks out...if that makes any sense.  I still have in my stretchable belly ring.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: Neither, just been a little stressed with work!  The amounts of work I have to do before my maternity leave is ridiculous! 

Sleep: Think I'm suffering from pregnancy insomnia!

Food cravings: Slurpees and Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream bars!!

Symptoms:  A lot of symptoms this week!! My sciatic pain was so much better this week.  I've found that if I roll on my back like a flipped over turtle, I can massage some of the pain away.  It comes back towards the end of my work day but it's so much more bearable.  I also had some leg cramps in my left leg (I think I mentioned it last week)...more like a charlie horse in the middle of the night that awakens me.   So painful.  I've had some back pain and stomach pain.  I actually took off work one day this week because I woke up to some contractions and pelvic pain and thought I may have been in labor.  I haven't slept much so I think I'm also suffering from pregnancy insomnia.  I go to bed then wake up at odd times and can't go back to sleep until right when it's time for me to get up for work! Go figure!  My acid reflux has also returned with a vengeance and it's sticking around all day long.  Last but not least, flatulence...aka gas...aka..fart...aka...poot.  For the last 2 weeks it's been atrocious! I can't sneeze, laugh, pee, etc. without a peep.  TMI?? I'm just being real!

Movement: Tons and I have no more space for Baby B to move so he/she is continuously pressing on my right side in the same place which causes it to be so tender

Labor signs:  More contractions this week.  Not sure if they are just BH contractions or pre-labor contractions! Everyone seems to think Baby B is coming early...but I don't think so!

What I miss:  Wearing regular sized shirts.  This week has been a challenge in finding things that fit my bump, especially with the changing weather.

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Just seeing my pregnancy progress as it should be

What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our baby.  With it getting this close to the end, I'm starting to get a little antsy with knowing what our baby will look like...not necessarily what it is (even though I can't believe I went this long NOT knowing), but does it have mine or A.J.'s nose or what hair color, etc.

Best moment this week: Our baby shower.  It was so much fun and it looked like everyone had a great time!  I'm sad we didn't get some pictures of the decor though as it was really nice :(
Milestones: Making it to 37 weeks!
