Monday, August 29, 2016

32 Week Preggie Update

Week 32 puts me at 7 months, 1 week. Time sure is flying!  According to my apps, Baby B weighs about 3 ¾ pounds and is about 16.7 inches long.  The baby is taking up a lot of space in my uterus. Can you believe that Baby B will gain a third to half of his/her birthweight in the next 7 weeks?!  I feel like that's so much!! Baby B should have a full head of hair or peach fuzz by now.  He/She should also have fingernails and toenails.  

This week I have had some shortness of breath, due to the baby pushing up on my diaphragm.  I've noticed that it's much harder to bend over to put on shoes and pick up things.  Sucks having to squat all the time.  I've also had a lot of back and hip pain and I FINALLY got my maternity support belt.  Lightening crotch has been in full effect this week as well!! Ugh! I'm hoping this goes away as soon as this baby pops out cause it's no joke!  Have you ever had a zinger after getting your teeth whitened or eating something super cold? That's how it kinda feels, but between your legs! But I digress...

Exciting news!  We got our maternity pictures back!! Shout out to Kirstin LaRoche of Laroche Photography for an awesome job she did!!  I don't know if you remember from my Week 30 update, but I got really sick toward the end and almost blacked out due to me and Baby B being hungry in the 95 degree weather (yes, I did eat before I left, but I guess not enough).  I made sure I stayed hydrated during the shoot.  Kirstin didn't know though and she made the ending shots look so good!  I got all the proofs back and it's so difficult to choose which ones I want her to print.  Here's a little sneak peak of one of my favorite pictures: 

Looking at my face, I started getting sick but I feel like it captures my symptoms at the time! My face isn't the best but my husband's hand on my stomach just makes this picture :) Photo credit: Kirsten LaRoche

Ok, here's the bump update:


Had to add my first baby Spartacus...don't judge him, he needs a haircut...BADLY!

What Fruit/Veggie are you?  Florida Pomelo (Ovia), Honeydew (Photofy), Jicama Baby Center ) & Head of Lettuce (What to Expect)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  32 weeks, 6 days

Next appointment:  September 6

Gender:  Team Green and still wondering with this little baby is

Total weight gain/loss:  20 pounds!

Exercise: Walking at work and walking the dog

Stretch marks:  Nope

Swelling: It looked like I was starting to develop some cankles but it looks like they've went down

Maternity clothes:   I broke down and bought maternity shirts :( My belly was starting to pop out the bottom of my clothes and that's just not cute

Belly button:   Still not flat but not a full outie

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: I was a little moody this week but just like one day...then back to my happy self

Sleep: Sleep has definitely been better this week but not great.  I'm able to sleep in the bed but I continue to toss and turn.

Food cravings:  It was peach cobbler but my wonderful bestie made me some, yum!  Now, I'm not really craving anything

Symptoms:  My acid reflux isn't daily anymore.  My belly is also really itchy, even though I keep it well moisturized. 

Movement:  LOTS and LOTS of exciting.  More rolls and pushing out on my stomach than kicks and punches.  Baby B doesn't have as much room as he/she did before to abuse me but trust, it's still not comfortable :)

Labor signs:  BH contractions have been very little this week

What I miss:  Not rotating the same maternity bottoms...ugh!

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Counting down the weeks until I see our baby

What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our little one.  I'm also looking forward to my baby shower in October

Best moment this week: Getting my peach cobbler
Milestones: I made it another week! 


Sunday, August 21, 2016

31 Week Preggie Update

Baby B's arrival is slowly coming.  31 weeks pregnant...8 more weeks to go!  7 months!  I feel like we still have so much to do.  According to my apps, Baby B is over the 3 pound mark and approaching birth length. I can't believe this baby still has 3 to 5 pounds to still put on!!

The nursery isn't complete and I still need to get my house in tip top shape!  I also feel like I'm missing some necessities.  I did buy a box of wipes at Costco, so that's one thing down.  Baby shower location has been set and I completed the evite for that.  Since we don't know the gender of the baby, we're going with a "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" theme, incorporating gold and white!  These are also 2 of my favorite colors so know they will be incorporated in Baby B's room.  

This was a pretty difficult week for me loves.  This was probably one of my worst weeks in my pregnancy as far as symptoms.  The new school year started this week so that placed an extra stress in my life. My job is going through a lot of changes this year and we are just trying to work them out.  Also, I've had the hardest time sleeping and staying awake.  I wake up really early for work and then start to crash not even midday.  It's terrible!  I've also felt a lot of stretching this week so that tells me I'm going to start having a growth spurt. Baby B is getting big and I definitely feel a difference that there is less space inside for him/her to move.  Overall, from outward appearance of my bump, I feel like it's starting to get bigger across, not really pushing out.  Also, THE ROLL IS REAL.  It's getting much much more difficult to get up from low places or out of bed....I'm seriously trying to perfect my technique, haha!

Hopefully the quality of my pictures are better.  AJ suggested using my back camera on my phone instead of my front camera....DUH.  I just didn't want to because I couldn't see myself but he's right, they look much better.  When Baby B comes, I'll be switching to my Canon Rebel T3i for even better quality!

New hair this week!


Spartacus wanted to say hello.  He needs a haircut!
Just wanted to add another pic.
What Fruit/Veggie are you?  Head of Romaine Lettuce (Ovia), Cabbage (Photofy) & Coconut (Baby Center & What to Expect)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  31 weeks, 5 days

Next appointment:  August 24

Gender:  Continuing to be Team Green...but I'm starting to get a little ancie!

Total weight gain/loss:  17 of last week. Will find out officially when I go to the doctor

Exercise: Working and walking the dog

Stretch marks:  Nope

Swelling: No swelling

Maternity clothes:   Yes, but still haven't purchased any new ones.  My belly has started popping out of the bottom of my shirts but I REFUSE to buy maternity shirts this late in my pregnancy and plus, I don't particularly care for them. But I may have to just invest in a size larger.

Belly button:   Still not flat but not a full outie

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: Pretty happy

Sleep: Ugh, sleep this week has been horrible.  I have been SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!  I had to sleep sitting up 2 times this week and I tried sleeping in the recliner (which didn't work).  I have been so tired waking up in the morning at 5:45 for work and starting to crash about 11 AM.

Food cravings:  Peach cobbler...yummy!

Symptoms:  Acid reflux is running rampant.  I have terrible back pain, hurting ankles, hip pain and lightening crotch.  My belly has also started itching more this week.  I'm also peeing every 5 min.

Movement:  LOTS and LOTS of exciting.  Baby B is moving right now as I'm typing :)  I get good jabs in the front of my abdomen and in my ribs pretty often...ouch!

Labor signs:  I had a bout of BH contractions Saturday night after dancing and being pretty warm.  In an hour, I had about 6.  I drank some water and all was good!

What I miss:  Being able to fit in regular size bottoms.  It's difficult trying to dress cute for work pregnant

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Just being pregnant and creating a life

What I'm looking forward to: Continuing with the nursery!

Best moment this week: Witnessing one of my best friend's proposal!!
Milestones: The baby had hiccups this week.  


Sunday, August 14, 2016

30 Week Preggie Update

10 more weeks until we finally get to see BABY B...7 more weeks until I'm full term!!  Baby B's time in wound is coming to an end and it's coming fast!!  I feel like we still have so much to do and time is definitely NOT slowing down.  I'm just trying to rest and not do too much this week because we go back to work Friday (8/12)....blah!  Right now, Baby B is about 17 inches and about 3.1-3.5  pounds.  He/She is starting to shed that baby fur coat, or lanugo, this week as well due to the increasing amounts of fat that the baby is accumulating.  Baby B is moving from the breech position to the birth position as well.  

Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel my belly is just right for my size.  Other people think I'm small.  As long as I know that my uterus is measuring right on, which it is, I'm not going to worry.  At this rate, I should gain about 28-30 my whole pregnancy, which is what the suggested amount is!  This week, I was pretty uncomfortable.  I want this baby to continue cooking, but I miss not being uncomfortable, in pain, or having to pee every 5 min!  We're also just so ready to see this baby.  If you didn't know from the intro pic...we're an interracial couple.  It's just so intriguing to me how our baby will look as there are some many possibilities!  AJ knows the background of his heritage to an exact percentage pretty much.  I don't have a clue...which sucks. That's on my bucket list to find out my genetic makeup and figure out exactly where my family comes from.

Update:  I just realized that I didn't tell you that we took our maternity pictures this week as well!!  How could I forget?!  Anywho, we went to Lake Katherine in Palos Hills and took pictures at the park.  It was a beautiful scenery with waterfalls, foliage and gardens. The ducks were even beautiful. I decided on 2 outfits for our session.  I think they turned out great.  One down to the session is I started getting really sick toward the end because it was like 95 degrees out.  Walking back to the car, I actually almost blacked out.  AJ and I went to The Cheesecake Factory afterwards to celebrate.  Baby B was probably super hungry and exhausted from the heat.  I'll post some of the pictures once we get them back!

Question: What did you put in your hospital bag??

Also, just know, that I know, that I look terrible in these bump pics!  I was rushing to do them and I didn't feel like doing my hair :\


What Fruit/Veggie are you?   Butternut Squash (What to Expect), Summer Cantaloupe (Ovia), Large Cabbage (BabyCenter) & Cucumber (Photofy)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  30 weeks, 5 days

Next appointment:  August 24

Gender:  Still holding out to team green! I wish I had some inkling as to what it could possibly mommy intuition going on here :(

Total weight gain/loss:  18 pounds

Exercise: Walking the dog when I'm not being lazy

Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks!  

Swelling: My feet have started to swell when I'm up on my feet a lot.  

Maternity clothes:   Of course, can't fit any pants! I'm starting back work next week and I have no clue what I'm going to do.  Just probably rotate the same 3 pairs of maternity pants all week! I can still pull off non-maternity shorts. 

Belly button:   It's not a complete outie and it's not flat...idk what to call it!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: I've been a little moody this week...I cried a little bit

Sleep: Ugh, sleep...what is that??  I've had a hard time sleeping this week.  I had to sleep sitting up 2 nights.  Otherwise, I'm tossing and turning all night due to my sides, hips and ribs hurting.  The recliner comes on Monday, so I may have to move in the baby's room for the last 9 weeks :(

Food cravings:  The fruit cravings are back: grapes, cherries, pears and clementines

Symptoms:  Heartburn and painful hips.  Underneath my belly has been a little sore as well.  I'm starting to get that first trimester tired feeling again.  

Movement:  All the time...I love it tho!

Labor signs:  Braxton Hicks have subsided this week as I've been trying to keep myself more hydrated.

What I miss:  Being able to sleep/sit comfortably  

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Everyone really, really noticing that I'm pregnant and treating me like a princess, haha

What I'm looking forward to: I finally picked out the nursing furniture and my Gramps purchased it.  Takes a load off of me seeing as though I feel like we are behind with everything.  I didn't know how difficult it was to pick a chair for a room.

Best moment this week: The crib came this week.  AJ said that he was going to put it up on Sunday (8/14), but I woke up the next morning and walked into the room and he had already assembled it.  He stayed up until 2AM Saturday morning just to make me happy since I said I was a little down...He's the best ever!! I cried and wiped my tears on his face, haha! The rest of the furniture arrives early next week.
Milestones: The #blackgirlmagic at the Olympics this week was amazing.  I know it's not baby related but it's worth mentioning!  This will be something that Baby B knows about.
