Saturday, July 30, 2016

28 Week Preggie Update...Third Trimester!

So happy to be in the third trimester.  I swear this pregnancy is going by so fast and soooo slow at the same time.  I think because we don't know the gender, we are just so excited to see Baby B!  According to my many apps, Baby B is about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long.  The baby is or is moving to birthing position (head down). Baby B can now cough, suck, hiccup and practice breathing!!  The baby's sleep also includes the REM stage and could possibly be having dreams! :)
I played music for the baby this week.  We even found some music turned into lullabies such as the Beatles (hubby loves this) and Rihanna, haha!  Can't wait to play them for Baby B.  We aren't taking our babymoon as of yet, but we are taking a family vacation to Edisto Beach, SC for about 4 days.  I will miss our little Spartacus, but he will be in good hands!  My best friends bridal shower was also today.  It was a great time! Can't wait for her big day!

WARNING: My nipples are poking in this pic because it's cold as hell in the basement and I have on no bra! #nojudgementzone  On another note, I can really tell that my boobs are bigger!


From the shower.  Yes we have the same glasses :)

What Fruit/Veggie are you?   Head of Cauliflower (What to Expect), Coconut [Like an island one] (Ovia), Large Eggplant (BabyCenter & Photofy)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  28 weeks, 4 days

Next appointment:  August 8

Gender:  Still #teamgreen...many people are saying boy!  The girl count is slowly going up

Total weight gain/loss:  16 pounds

Exercise: Pretty much non-existent as it's been super hot

Stretch marks:  Still no stretch mark!  Wonder how long this will last

Swelling: Still just my fingers

Maternity clothes:   Yes, I am still wearing maternity clothes and not buying anymore

Belly button:   It's flat

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: The moodiness from last week wore off...I'm back to happy me :)

Sleep: I didn't have to sit up this week but I've been pretty restless. 

Food cravings:  Still the Snickers.  I've indulged in some Heath bars as well...only minis though

Symptoms:  My heartburn has been bearable this week and hasn't been daily.  My linea nigra is seeming to be getting a little darker.  Mine is below and above my belly button.  I also think I had my first real bout with sciatica.  AJ and I were walking the dog and twice, I got this shooting pain from my butt check down my leg.  It was shocking and pretty painful, ouch!

Movement:  Baby B moves A LOT!!  I can tell that he baby is getting bigger by the way the weight is distributed and I can feel it at the top and the bottom now, not just in one place.  It's still crazy to believe that a baby is growing inside of me!

Labor signs:  Nope, but I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions...I think!

What I miss:  Nothing this week

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Feeling my baby and the excitement from others.

What I'm looking forward to: The nursery....still. I have finally settled on what I want and I can't wait until it all comes together! :)  Outside of baby things, we are heading to South Carolina this weekend for a little family vacay.  What I'm not looking forward to is traveling 14 hours in a car :(  Got my pillow ready...

Best moment this week: My best friend's bridal shower
Milestones: Hitting my third trimester.  We're in the home stretch now!!


Monday, July 25, 2016

27 Week Preggie Update

Week 27 means 13 weeks left and a closing to second trimester!  We have come a long way.  According to my apps, Baby B is about 15 inches and 2.2 pounds.  He/she can open and close their eyes and sleeps and wakes at regular intervals.  The baby may also be sucking it's fingers.  It's very common for baby hiccups to get more common during this time. 

One thing that I started noticing last week was the amount of pressure that can be put on a uterus when laying on your back...UGH! It makes it hard to breathe, so make sure you are sitting on an incline when on your back.  My apps also state that leg cramps may start soon. I haven't gotten those yet, and I'm hoping that they stay away!

I also went to the doctor this week to voice some of my concerns that I brought up last week.  She said that I am gaining the appropriate amount of weight and that my uterus is right on track for growth!  

Here is my survey for the week:

What Fruit/Veggie are you?   
Cucumber (What to Expect), Bunch of Bananas (Ovuline), Head of Cauliflower (BabyCenter & Photofy)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  27 weeks, 6 days

Next appointment:  July 22

Gender:  Still #teamgreen...many people are saying boy!  The girl count is slowly going up

Total weight gain/loss:  15 pounds

Exercise: Pretty much non-existent as it's been super hot

Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks but I can feel the stretch

Swelling: Fingers are starting to swell as rings are getting a little tighter.  

Maternity clothes:   Nope

Belly button:   It's flat

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: I've been pretty moody this week...darn...I was doing well too!

Sleep: One down this week was having to sit up while sleeping.  I had the most uncomfortable night, with back and hip pain.  

Food cravings:  Snickers minis!!  And I'm really specific as they had to be minis, haha. Definitely NOT one of my fave candy bars (when I actually eat chocolate)

Symptoms:  Heartburn still in full effect.  I have also had some round ligament pain (RLP).  I also think I had a round of "lighting crotch". Its like a zinger in the cooch!  Also, for the past couple of weeks, it's difficult to sneeze or laugh really hard without peeing on myself...Embarrassing, I know! That means it's time to start some kegals.  

Movement:  Still feeling the baby move as it gets a little more intense everyday.   I get nervous when he/she doesn't move, but then Baby B starts up again.  I just love watching my stomach pulsate or Baby B's little booty moving across my stomach:)

Labor signs:  Nope, but I have started having Braxton Hicks contractions...I think!

What I miss:  Eating whatever I want, not having to think about if my pregnant ass can eat it or not 

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   My husband...he's the best.  He's definitely been my shoulder to lean on and my support system through all this.  I could not have asked for a better life partner.

What I'm looking forward to: Designing the nursery...I have actually bought some things to start organizing the closet.  I think we're going to be buying nursery furniture soon!!

Best moment this week: Not really any "bests" this week
Milestones: None


Monday, July 18, 2016

26 Week Preggie Update...Warning: EMO post

26 weeks has arrived!  According to my many apps, Baby B is about 2 pounds and measures about 9.5 to 14 inches.  The baby's eyes have been closed and they have finally re-opened this week. Baby B can also hear noises and respond to them.  I have found that he/she really likes music and moves A LOT.  

This has been a different week for me as I've been feeling pretty good physically, but have been emotionally bothered I guess I could say.  First off, I wish I had an accurate scale so that I knew if I was on target for weight gain, because my current scale sucks and the one that I want, it's kind of expensive, so I'm trying to adult and and not make rash decisions!  

Secondly, I am now visibly pregnant and I'm not hiding it.  This also means that people in public see it as well and it's not denying it.  I get the "oh how many months are you" question and respond and they are like "oh, I asked because you're so small" or "you are so tiny" (meaning my body...not my belly) or my favorite "when I was xx months, I was way bigger than you".  I get that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it kind of makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong and makes me question my actions.  The questions go through my head of:

Am I gaining enough weight?
Am I doing harm to my baby?
Is my stomach supposed to be bigger?
What could I be doing differently?

It kind of hurts.  Then I get kind of angry and say to myself that people need to mind their business.  I know my husband gets tired of me asking everyday if my stomach looks smaller.  His response is always "definitely not".  I know that depending on the baby's position, my belly shape changes, so that plays a part.  Also, what I ate for the day and time of the day affects the shape as well.  I don't know if people were expecting me to get balloon sized or what.  

I know from research that according to my Normal BMI, I'm only supposed to gain 25-35 pounds my total pregnancy.  Right now, I have gained about 11 pounds (it'd probably be more if I had an accurate scale) with 3 months to go.  That's not bad right??  I've been a pretty healthy eater and I eat when I'm hungry, which is 3 times a day with snacks in between.  My baby is also moving constantly, so I know that it's doing alright.  I'm just venting I guess because it is kind of irritating.  

Now, for the physical things...I've had more trouble finding a comfortable spot when sleeping.  I toss and turn ALL NIGHT.  I have a pregnancy pillow but I don't think it works that well for me.  I also have slight pain at the bottom of my bump, which comes and goes throughout the day.  It helps when I hold it up, as I am carrying low, so maybe it's time to invest in that belly support.  I have also had some back pain, but it's been manageable.  

I hope week 27 is a little better and I get off this emotional rollercoaster.  My OB appointment is on Friday and I'm going to express my concerns to her.


Here is my survey for the week:

What Fruit/Veggie are you?   
Eggplant (What to Expect), Head of Lettuce (Photofy) or Butternut Squash (Ovuline), Scallion (BabyCenter)

Due date:  October 18, 2016

How far along:  26 weeks, 6 days

Next appointment:  July 22

Gender:  Still #teamgreen...many people are saying boy!  The girl count is slowly going up

Total weight gain/loss:  11-12 pounds

Exercise: Walking the dog and PokemonGo...don't ask

Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks but I can feel the stretch

Swelling: Fingers are starting to swell as rings are getting a little tighter.  

Maternity clothes:   I haven't bought anymore since last week

Belly button:   It's flat

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: I've been pretty happy

Sleep: It's taking me a longer time to get comfortable at night.  Don't feel well rested in the morning

Food cravings:  None

Symptoms:  Heartburn is in major overtime....daily

Movement:  I love feeling the baby move.  Baby B kicked me so hard this week that I awoke from my nap! It scared the crap out of me!

Labor signs:  None

What I miss:  Sushi is what I miss this week

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Some would probably be weirded out, but my in-laws LOVE touching my growing belly.  I don't mind it because it lets me know that they are comfortable in doing so and can't await the arrival of the grandson/daughter/ niece/nephew!

What I'm looking forward to: Designing the nursery...still, I'm getting restless but have nothing to put in it

Best moment this week: Not really any "bests" this week
Milestones: None
