Sunday, September 25, 2016

36 Week Preggie Update

Can't believe that there are only 3 weeks and 2 days left!  Where has the time gone?  I'll try to keep this as brief as possible!  This 36th week has been interesting.  I have been probably in the most pain of my pregnancy due to this sciatica.  The pain runs from my back/butt and shoots to my foot and back up.  This, in turn, made it really difficult for me to walk and also made my husband up his awareness (dramatics) at work. He started wheeling me around in a wheelchair to get from class to class and recruiting my other co-workers as well.  Now everyone, even the students, are watching me.  I'm so used to being independent that this transition is really difficult for me.  But, I also have to look at it from the other side and think that these are some great people who are willing to help me :)  Thanks guys!

On Monday, it was A.J. and my 1st wedding anniversary.  This year went by so quickly.  I don't even feel like we've been married for a year.  We kept it really simple and went to J. Alexander's in Oak Brook.  Food was delish as always.  We have to save as many coins as we can for after Baby B's arrival so something big was not in the budget (just being honest)!!  I love my husband tremendously and so grateful to be going through this experience with him.  He has definitely been MY ROCK!  

I also started my weekly visits to the doctor.  This one was a surprise as I had my exam and am already....get ready...3cm dilated, thinned cervix and the head is down!  WTF?!  What does that mean?!  Pretty much, I could continue on my journey of trying to make it to my Oct 18 due date or I could practically go into labor at any time. This meant that I had to kick myself in gear to finish some things around her.  The car seat was installed in my car and the packing of my hospital bag is underway. I'm hoping this baby waits because my doctor is on vacation during my 37th week so I'll have to see her father.  I am definitely excited because our baby could come at any time, but nervous as well because I still have so much to complete at work before my leave (I know, this should be the last thing on my mind).  I can be a worry wart about certain things in my life.  I just need Baby B to stay in there as long as he/she can!

A positive this week is that my teams threw me an amazing baby shower.  Everything turned out so well and we are so appreciative of the lovely things that we received.  Another positive is that I finally chose a going home outfit for a boy and a girl (since we still don't know).  Baby B is going to look so cute!! A downside this week is the fact that I ordered my dress for my family shower and when they pulled it, it was damaged and that was the only one in my size...ONLY ME!

Question:  What did you pack in your hospital bag??  I've been looking through lists and it just seems like so much!  I'm trying to be a minimalist.

Start of 36 weeks :)
Baby Shower Photos


Bump Shots


What Fruit/Veggie are you?  Ripe Papaya (Ovia), Head of Romaine Lettuce (Baby Center), Spaghetti Squash (Photofy) & Large Cantaloupe (What to Expect)

Due date:  October 18, 2016 (but could be before)

How far along:  36 weeks, 5 days

Next appointment:  September 29

Gender:  Team Green and still wondering with this little baby is

Total weight gain/loss:  Still 20 pounds.  Haven't gained weight in 2 weeks.

Exercise: Walking at work and walking the dog

Stretch marks:  Nope

Swelling: My feet swell a little but it's usually gone by the next day

Maternity clothes:   That's really all that I can fit

Belly button:   Still hasn't popped but it sticks out...if that makes any sense

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Happy or Moody: I said I was emotional last week but I think this week took the cake

Sleep: What's that??

Food cravings:  None

Symptoms:  Pain..and a lot of it.  I have a lot of sciatic nerve pain and it's made it really difficult for me to walk this week.  I've been rolled around in a wheelchair or rolling chair per my husband and co-workers to keep this baby in as long as possible.  I've also had back pain and pains on the side of my stomach. I guess this is what it's like when you're at the end!

Movement: A lot of movement but some days are more than others

Labor signs:  None

What I miss:  Nothing this week

Food/Smell Aversions: None

What I'm loving:   Just seeing my pregnancy progress as it should be

What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our baby.  With it getting this close to the end, I'm starting to get a little antsy with knowing what our baby will look like...not necessarily what it is, but does it have mine or A.J.'s nose or what hair color, etc.

Best moment this week: Knowing that I'm almost done and we picked up the car seat/stroller from my parents :)
Milestones: Making it to 36 weeks!


1 comment:

  1. I'm just reading and I also has a sciatic nerve issue while pregnant and it was the worst! The pain was terrible and it was very frustrating period. I know exactly what you are trying to explain. Hang in there!! You are almost there! BTW, you are the most adorable pregnant person! Lol
